Blogger Recognition Award

I was nominated for the Blogger Recognition Award by Kristen over at The Brunette Bookworm. I still consider myself to be a blogging newbie, so I was surprised and very honored for her to nominate me. Thank you Kristen! Go check out her blog for book reviews and fun Top 5 Wednesday posts!

Award rules:

1. Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
2. Write a post to show your award.
3. Give a brief story of how your blog started.
4. Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers.
5. Select other bloggers you want to give this award to.
6. Comment on each blog and let them know you have nominated them and provide the link to the post you created.

How iamabookdrunkard started:

I have always loved reading and I last year I decided I wanted to have somewhere that I could share my book thoughts with the world. I started my iamabookdrunkard bookstagram account at the same time and they have both been really fun to work with. I found the phrase “I am a book drunkard” on Pinterest and totally loved it. It makes me think of how after you finish a really good or emotional book you can feel like you have a reading hangover. Or it can relate to the feeling you have when you wake up after reading late into the night/early morning.

Advice To New Bloggers:

I’m not exactly a huge success of a blogger but I would say that a few key things are:

  1. Read what you like – don’t get caught up in what is popular at the time. Read the books that you enjoy because that is what will make your blog unique.
  2. Write about what you like – write the content that makes you happy. It could be reviews, recommendations, lists, anything. If you don’t like writing negative reviews, then don’t. If you like writing in depth analysis of characters go for it! (I would love to read those actually).
  3. Engage with other bloggers – the book blog (and bookstagram) communities are an awesome bunch. Find some blogs that you enjoy and leave comments. Having a back and forth with another blogger is really fun.

My Nominations for the Blogger Recognition Award:

  1. Chelsea at romweasley
  2. Klinta at bookowly
  3. Cátia at The Girl Who Read To Much
  4. Swetlana and Sandra at Reading through the nights

All four of these bloggers have some really great content and I’m sure you can find a post you will enjoy! Go check them out, and leave some comments on your favorites 🙂

 Now go forth and read!


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