Day Twenty Four

Q: Do you prefer physical books, ebooks, or audiobooks?

A: I prefer physical books over all, BUT I love the other forms as well. I’ve been reading a lot of ebooks over the past year because I use Overdrive to borrow them from my library. This has saved me so much money and it is really convenient. I also have found a new love for audiobooks in the last couple of weeks. I would get home from work, be super tired, then listen to an audiobook while laying in bed, which saved my eyes from anymore strain, and was really relaxing. I think I will check out some more audiobooks in the future.

Sometimes I think there is some judgement on what “form” a person reads a book in. Or that an audio book doesn’t count as reading the book. The way I see it, you can consume your literature in whatever form is most convenient and the best way for you to do so. The important thing is that you’re being part of the story ❤

Questions for you:

Do you have any recommendations for an awesome audiobook? Or one narrated by an awesome person?


2 thoughts on “50 Day Bookish Challenge – Day 24

  1. “Ireland” by Frank Delaney is a great audiobook. It’s probably the best format for the book, since it follows a storyteller who orates the history of Ireland. — Also, if you like Princess Bride, “As You Wish” by Cary Elwes was fun too. 🙂

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