Day Thirty Two

Q: How do you organize your shelves?

A: Uhhh series are together. And books by the same author are together. But everything else is kinda just *there*. Also, I have three small bookcases, but only one is in my room, so my books are spread out everywhere. I would love to have one larger, central bookcase, with all my books in it. It would probably be a good idea for me to have some kind of all encompassing system though. Maybe I’ll work on that?

Question for you:

How do you feel about organizing books by color?


9 thoughts on “50 Day Bookish Challenge – Day 32

  1. I mean, I suppose it would be AESTHETICALLY pleasing, but not at all useful for someone who actually wants to be able to find their books easily. I guess it would depend on how many you have, though. I have a zillion books, so mine are (mostly) sorted by genre.


  2. I had my books by color for like five minutes. I thought it looked really pretty, but it’d be so hard to find the right book without knowing the cover and I didn’t like that books in the same series weren’t together.

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  3. Organizing books by color looks cool. but I don’t consider it very “organized.” I wouldn’t know how to find anything!

    As a former library aide, I stick with organizing my books by genre (or the dewey decimal system for non-fiction) and then alphabetical by author. I’ve spent a lot of time organizing my books…probably too much time. Heh.


  4. I think it’s wonderful to have books everywhere. It makes for more happiness. As for organizing by color, I mean it looks pretty, but I don’t think it’s very practical. Besides, books look pretty even when they don’t match so…

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